How to Write a Sorority Recommendation Letter – With Writing Guide 2024

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    Anjit.V.S founder of Infig Content Hub is a writer and an academic documentation expert. Over the years, he has written documents for thousands of students and hundreds of businesses and individuals worldwide.

    Table of Contents

    Are you wondering how to write a sorority recommendation letter that will knock the socks off of recruitment officers? Look no further! Whether you’re a faculty member, parent, or friend of a potential new member, writing a strong and compelling recommendation letter is crucial for helping her stand out in the competitive world of sorority recruitment. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide you with all the tips and tricks needed to craft an unmissable recommendation letter that showcases your candidate’s strengths and personality. 

    So Let’s get started!

    What is a Sorority Recommendation Letter? Why is it Important?

    A sorority recommendation letter is a document for any student hoping to be accepted into a sorority. A good letter of recommendation from a sorority member can give you an advantage over other applicants. The recommendation should be tailored specifically to the applicant and should highlight their strengths as a potential member.

    Questions You Should Answer Before Writing a Recommendation Letter Sorority

    Make sure to answer these questions before writing a recommendation letter for a potential member of a sorority:

    What qualities does the applicant demonstrate that would make her a desirable member?

    Define the qualities of the applicant which shows that they would be a desirable member of the sorority.

    Why does the recommender think the applicant would be a perfect fit for the sorority?

    Explain the factors that make the applicant a perfect fit for their desired sorority.

    What is the connection between the recommender and the applicant?

    What is the relationship between the recommender and the applicant and try to establish it in the introduction itself.

    Do you know the applicant well enough to form an unbiased opinion?

    How long have the recommender known the applicant for and how does it make the recommender the right individual to form an unbiased opinion on the applicant.

    What Do Admissions Officers Look for in a Sorority Recommendation Letter?

    When writing a recommendation letter for a potential sorority member, it is important to be personal and specific. Sorority members look for letters that detail why the applicant should be recommended for a membership. 

    Below are some general tips on what to include in your letter:

    sorority recommendation letter example

    – State how well the recommender knows the applicant and why they would be a valuable member of the desired sorority.

    – Provide any pertinent facts about the applicant, such as their qualifications or interests.

    – Indicate how enthusiastically the recommender supports the applicant’s membership and why they would be an excellent addition to the sorority.

    – End with sincere compliments about the applicant’s character and personality.

    How Long Your Sorority Recommendation Letter Should be?

    Word Limit

    The letter of recommendation should be one or two pages with a word limit of 200 - 400 words.

    Font Size

    11 -13

    Font color


    Font Family

    It is best to use fonts like Calibri, Ariel, Times New Roman, Georgia, etc.

    Sample Letter of Recommendation for Sorority

    To whom it may concern,


    I am delighted to recommend the candidacy of Mrs. -XYZ(name)- for their membership to the -XYZ- Sorority. As the former teacher of the -XYZ- Department of -XYZ- School where she was my student, I have known her for an extended period of -XYZ- years. Her qualities and character remind me so much of my former self within my sorority back in the day, and I believe that she would be a tremendous asset and pleasure to have as a member of the -XYZ- Sorority.


    Mrs. -XYZ- demonstrates many of the qualities that make a person successful within a sorority such as intelligence, punctuality, perseverance, and ambition. She is highly organized with her time and tasks, always eager to learn new concepts and apply them through practice into real situations. In addition, she is a highly dedicated person working hard towards achieving anything she sets her mind into for the betterment of herself as well as others around her.


    Her charisma and witty personality has won over numerous people, who are always ready to help her out whenever necessary. Being a very passionate person about service to society, she was  part of several non-profit organizations such as the -XYZ-, that work on improving the lives of people from underprivileged backgrounds by giving them better access to healthcare and education opportunities.


    To conclude, She certainly meets all criteria for membership in the -XYZ- Sorority based on my knowledge concerning her character and qualities that I have gathered over the years in teaching her at school. Therefore, I am highly confident if given this opportunity; Mrs.- XYZ (name)- will make splendid contributions towards the community through this sorority while representing high standards of excellence among its members.



    Name of the Recommender

    Designation of the recommender

    Guidelines for Using Sorority Recommendation Letter Samples

    Make sure to pay attention when you read a sample Sorority recommendation

    letter. Here are some things to consider:

    Write Your Sorority Letter of Recommendation in 6 Steps

    Here are six steps to writing an amazing sorority recommendation letter:

    1) Undertake some preliminary research into the sorority you are recommending to see how you can portray the applicant with any personal or professional connection with them (i.e., attending an event together, belonging to a sisterhood/fraternity in common). 


    2) Plan Your Letter Format – Your letter should be formatted like an academic letter of recommendation. You should outline your reasons for recommending the applicant, and give specific examples of what they have done that has impressed you. Be sure to list any extracurricular activities or leadership roles they have taken on. 


    3) Writing a good recommendation letter begins with defining what makes this particular applicant exceptional, both from an organizational level (purpose and vision) as well as from an interpersonal standpoint (leadership development opportunities, efforts towards philanthropy…)


    4) Avoid clichés and flowery language when writing about your experience with the applicant – keep it real and concise! 


    5) Conclude the letter by giving the applicant a positive approval on their enrollment for a membership in their desired sorority 


    6) The letter of recommendation should be submitted with the rest of the Sorority application materials.

    Who Is Eligible to Write Sorority Recommendation Letter?

    Professors or people who are associated with the applicant personally are mainly eligible to write a Sorority Recommendation Letter.

    Final Checklist

    Here’s a final checklist to ensure your Sorority recommendation letter is as strong as possible:

    Do's and Don't in Your Letter of recommendation for Sorority


    – Try to be personal and positive about the applicant

    – Use certain examples to prove that the applicant is worthy of the membership

    – Try to keep it as brief as possible.


    – Avoid using imprecise language or flowery prose when writing your letter. These may come across as unprofessional or unsupported. 

    – Avoid False Information.

    Tips for Writing a Sorority Recommendation Letter

    If you are writing a letter of recommendation for a college sorority, here are some tips to help you write one that will be effective. 

    1. Start by sourcing information about the sorority
    2. Be honest and sincere
    3. Write unbiasedly
    4. Keep it concise and easy to read 
    5. Proofread


    We hope that our writing guide has helped you in crafting the perfect sorority recommendation letter. Whether you are recommending an applicant to a new sorority or just need some help polishing off an existing one, we have provided all the information you will need to write a recommendation that will impress everyone involved. Thank you for choosing our guide as your go-to resource for writing excellent letters of recommendation.