Frustrated lately by seeing no one visiting or reading your blogs? Perhaps you are writing the blog in the wrong way. Don’t worry because this blog comes to you at the right time. In this blog, we discuss everything ranging from:
- What is a blog and how to write a blog?
- Blog writing examples
- Tips and strategies to create your blog
What is a Blog?
A blog is a website or sometimes a dedicated web page where you can add engaging and conversative pieces of content on a regular basis. Individuals and organizations might run a blog. The content that you update on your blog is known as the blog post.
What Relevance Does Blog Have in Today’s Digital Landscape?
The digital revolution has somehow affected people’s reading habits. Instead of traditional books, people mostly read content on their digital devices like desktops and mobiles. Blogs are one of the most popular types of content people consume on digital devices.

Blogs Give You Visibility:
Whether you are a professional or a business looking for more visibility, there is no better way to gain it than through writing frequent engaging blogs.
Blogs Help With Your SERP Ranking:
Blogs give you ample opportunities to write custom content supported by sufficient keyword inclusions. It helps you with SERP ranking.
Engaging Blogs Attract Visitors:
People love to read engaging blogs. If your blogs are entertaining and informative, they will continue to attract new readers.
Blogs Help Establish Thought Leadership:
Blogs act as a medium through which you can show your authority in a certain subject or field. It helps establish your thought leadership and generate readership.
How to Start a Blog in 2024?
If you don’t have a blog yet, be informed that this is the right time to start it. And it is not as complicated as you might imagine. Follow the below step-by-step procedure to get started.
Know Who Your Audience Is:
Blogs are to be read. And if you don’t write it as per your audience’s taste, you won’t engage them. Hence, knowing your audience is the essential first step as a blog maker.
Evaluate Competition:
Check if there is any potential competitor in the thought area where you are planning to publish blog posts. If there is any, you might want to make it more interesting than your competitors.
Shortlist Topics:
If you are a legal counsellor and your blog is about law, you will be surprised to know the plethora of topics in the field. Shortlist the most relevant topics that will get you more readers and attention.
Set the Perspective/Angle:
You can write blogs from different angles/perspectives. You can also switch between them to provide your readers with a diverse reading experience.
Choose an Appropriate Name For the Blog:
Choose a name that either triggers the readers’ curiosity or helps them figure out what the content of the blog would be. A unique blog name will help you stand out.
Choose a Domain:
If the name of your blog is available to choose as your domain name, go with that. Otherwise, choose another appropriate available domain name.
Sign up/Set up your Blog on a CMS:
There are different content management services (CMS), for instance, WordPress, Blogger, Weebly, etc. Choose any platform that you find convenient and set up your blog over there.
Tailor Blog Design:
Make sure to use a custom blog design that resonates with your blog’s theme/subject. Remember that the design plays a crucial role in keeping people glued to your blog.
Start Writing and Publishing Blogs:
Once you have carefully attended all of the above steps, you are good to start writing and publishing content on your blog.
How We Became the No. 1 Blog Writing Services in India? The Secret of Our Success
Blog writing has become one of the most popular creative writing exercises today. As an established blog writing service, we are masters in technical expertise and creative skills. Be it SEO integration, storytelling or thought leadership, we have the expertise and experience. Blog writers at Infig Content Hub foresee what your target reader expects and can write content that they can easily visualize and relate to. By expert blog writers on our sides, we have derived results for the most challenging blog topics as well. Understanding the reader psychology is the secret behind our success and this has helped us to create informative yet sales oriented blog content that can actually hook the audience and drive intended results.
How to Write Your First Blog Post?
So, you’ve taken the plunge by setting up your blog on a content management service, and now you’re ready to write your very first blog post. Let’s get started on this exciting new adventure together!

Choose a Rare Topic With Less Content Written:
When writing their first blog, most people assume that choosing the most popular topics in your field would help get more attention. White it is true, as a starter, it won’t help you much. So, choose a topic that has been least written about.
Write Only on a Topic That you Can Speak Authentically:
For your first blog, choose a topic that you can write with authority. You can build thought leadership only on a topic that you can write most accurately and flawlessly about.
Prioritize Low-Volume Keywords:
If you want Google to rank your blog post in people’s search results, prioritize low-volume keywords. With low-volume keywords and high-quality content, you have better chances to get ranked and noticed.
Understand People's Search Intent:
Know what people want to get when they search online with a specific keyword. For instance, if they search ‘cheap Android phones’, are they looking for videos, blogs or e-commerce websites.’ If blogs are not what they expect, your blog won’t get readers.
Get Familiar with Questions/Terms Regarding your Topic:
Use tools like ‘answerthepublic’ to figure out common questions people ask about your preferred blog topic. It will help you identify the right topic or titles for your blog post. Additionally, check out examples of a blog post written about a topic to help brainstorm.
Decide on a Working Title:
A working title refers to a temporary title which roughly tells you what to write in your blog. You can modify the working title later on to a more convincing or catchy title once you are done with your blog content.
Prepare an Outline:
An outline serves as a skeleton on which you build your blog content. While some people develop their blog instinctively from the introduction, a proper outline is good to keep your focus.
Develop Content Around the Outline:
If there is a proper outline, it is easy to develop content around it. Start with the introduction and follow it up with the body and conclusion. Ensure that there is continuity when you transition from the introduction to the body and the conclusion.
Publish your Blog:
After completing the writing, go over your blog post several times and ensure that there are no mistakes and that the content flows naturally and smoothly from sentence to sentence. If you are convinced about the quality of your blog, go ahead and publish it.
What Makes a Good Blog? The Essential Characteristics
Several thousands of blogs get published on the internet each day. Some blogs go viral while others don’t even get noticed by anyone. You would need at least a few hours to research a topic and write a blog on it. Hence understanding the essential characteristics is important as you master how to write a blog. Here are four of them.
A Well-Defined Topic:
The most important element of a great blog is a well-defined topic. People who happen to see your blog must know what they will gain from it by looking at its topic or subject. You can refer to other blogs written on similar topics before starting to understand how others present a topic.
A Catchy Title:
More than 90% of the readers decide whether to continue reading a blog post or not by looking at the title. If the title is capable of generating curiosity in the reader, they are likely to read it.
An Introduction With A Hook:
A blog must start with an opening sentence that hooks the reader. The best way to hook the reader is to highlight their pain point and convince them that you have the solution to that in the blog.
An Answer Or Solution:
The reader must feel that they have indeed benefited from reading your blog because you have provided them solutions they were looking for. If the blog has been worthwhile for the readers, they will keep revisiting your blog, becoming your potential customers in the future.
Mastering the Perfect Blog Writing Format – Things to Keep in Mind
Using a correct formatting style in your blog increases its appeal and makes it easier for the reader to skim or scan your blog post. Here, let’s see what blog formatting style to follow as you start blogging.

Divide Your Body Under H2s:
You may want to discuss multiple points in your blog. Make sure that you arrange the body text under H2s both logically and in equal-sized segments. If there are more points to discuss under an H2, use subheads or H3s to retain the natural flow or order.
Supplement Content With Media:
A lengthy blog with only text content will seem boring to a reader. You won’t know if they will read it in its entirety. Placing various media such as videos, infographics, charts or polls through the body in appropriate places will increase readers’ interaction with your blog.
Use Alt Text:
Alt text is text description you add to an image used in the blog. It allows search engines to quickly crawl the content and rank your blog in the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Additionally, it enables those visually impaired people, who use technology to read your blog, to understand what the images used in the blog are about.
Use Short Sentences:
People don’t like to read long sentences as they demand more attention and brain straining. Short sentences make the reading as well as the conveyance of the messages much easier. Make your blog reading experience a breeze for the reader without stuffing too many unnecessary details into it.
Exploring the Different Types of Blog Posts
Most people forget to pay attention to understanding that there are multiple types of blog posts. Before you create a blog website, you must understand it. Let’s dive into that here.
- The How-To Post
- The Curated Post
- The Fun Post
- The 'What' Post
- The Interview Post
- The 'Why' Post
- The FAQ Post
- The SlideShare Post
- The Feature Story
- The Comparison Post
- The Newsjack
- The Listicle
- The Thought Leadership Post
- The Infographic Post
Write Your Blog Post and Publish It In 10 Easy Steps
Having reviewed enough examples of a blog, don’t waste any more minutes to get the ball rolling. In the early stage, you can make use of any of the available CMS options to start a blog for free.
Select a Topic For your Blog:
Identify a topic that you feel more comfortable writing about and at the same time your readers may find relevant and useful in the context of your business type. Start with a brainstorming session to shortlist topics.
Research Keywords:
Prepare a keyword bank for your blog. Try to shortlist keywords that closely align with your blog topic. Choose the most relevant keyword as the primary keyword. Ensure that there are enough long-tail and low-volume keywords.
Prepare a Blog Outline:
A well-defined outline will help make your blog writing easier and less confusing. The outline must show the expected total word count as well word count for each section like the introduction, body and conclusion. It must also show the heading tag structures.
Write your Blog:
You can start either with the working introduction or go directly into the body. Do not force yourself to complete writing a section before moving to the next. Feel free to write where you feel more convenient.
Write a Strong iIntroduction and Conclusion:
Once you have finished writing the blog, supplement it with a powerful introduction and a conclusion. Both these parts must agree with the body content. Check out the blog post template to get familiar with this.
Add Heading Tags:
Maintain logical organization of content throughout your blog by appropriately using the heading tags and subheading tags or H1, H2 and H3 tags. Besides enhancing the navigation through the blog post, it brings better clarity.
Proofread your Blog:
Careful proofreading is mandatory to identify if there are any flaws in the blog structure or content. Eliminate every mistake that you notice in the readers draft. Additionally, get your blog reviewed by someone else too and get their feedback.
Publish your Blog:
Remember to publish the post on your blogging websites at an appropriate time. Identify which day of the week will work best for you considering your specific blog niche and industry.
Share your Blog:
Share your blog on all available social media platforms so that it reaches your target audience. You can also consider seeking the help of social media influencers to promote your blogs on their channels to get maximum reach among their users.
Evaluate your Blog's Performance:
Evaluating the blog’s performance among the users is important to know if you need to modify anything. Keep yourself up to date by visiting the best blog sites and reviewing their performance as well.
How to Maximise the Reach of Your Blog Post?
Just by publishing your content on your blog domain, there is no guarantee that readers will find it. There are different ways to maximize the reach of your blog post. Let’s discuss some of them here.
PPC Marketing:
PPC stands for pay-per-click. For maximising your blog’s reach, you can run PPC campaigns by integrating relevant paid keywords.
Email Marketing:
Email marketing is a common digital marketing method you can try to increase your blog’s reach. Create an email newsletter including the link to your blog and send it to your target audience.
Influencer Marketing:
Get influencers to promote your blog posts through their social media handles.
Social Media Marketing:
Increase your presence and activity on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter (X), Facebook etc. and share your blog link on them whenever you publish a new blog.
Syndicated Content Sharing:
Syndicated content sharing platforms like Medium allow you to publish your blogs on their platforms. It is an effective way to boost your blog’s visibility and reach.
Top Tips for Crafting an Engaging Blog Post
Start With A Personal Experience/Anecdote:
If you don’t know how to start your blog as a thought leader, the best alternative is to do it by sharing a personal experience. It helps trigger your reader’s interest besides keeping your writing flow intact.
Write in Active Voice:
Active voice can significantly improve your blog’s readability. A reader does not have to break their head to understand your message when it is conveyed in an active voice.
Use Short Paragraphs:
Strictly avoid long paragraphs and sentences in your blog post as it can make the readers get bored easily. Instead, divide the body content into several small paragraphs.
Focus On One Idea In Each Paragraph:
Do not try to convey multiple ideas through one paragraph. Keep your focus entirely on a single idea in one paragraph and use a different paragraph to speak about a different idea.
Share Popular Quotes Or Facts:
Writing a popular quote in the beginning and then connecting it to your subject is an effective way to encourage your reader to relate to what you are trying to focus on in your blog.
Integrate Diverse Content:
Substantiate your blog’s abstract ideas with enough multimedia content, for instance, video, audio, images, infographics, charts etc. Besides increasing engagement, it makes the blog reading experience more enjoyable.
Mastering the Perfect Blog Writing Format – Things to Keep in Mind
Using a correct formatting style in your blog increases its appeal and makes it easier for the reader to skim or scan your blog post. Here, let’s see what blog formatting style to follow as you start blogging.

Divide Your Body Under H2s:
You may want to discuss multiple points in your blog. Make sure that you arrange the body text under H2s both logically and in equal-sized segments. If there are more points to discuss under an H2, use subheads or H3s to retain the natural flow or order.
Supplement Content With Media:
A lengthy blog with only text content will seem boring to a reader. You won’t know if they will read it in its entirety. Placing various media such as videos, infographics, charts or polls through the body in appropriate places will increase readers’ interaction with your blog.
Use Alt Text:
Alt text is text description you add to an image used in the blog. It allows search engines to quickly crawl the content and rank your blog in the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Additionally, it enables those visually impaired people, who use technology to read your blog, to understand what the images used in the blog are about.
Use Short Sentences:
People don’t like to read long sentences as they demand more attention and brain straining. Short sentences make the reading as well as the conveyance of the messages much easier. Make your blog reading experience a breeze for the reader without stuffing too many unnecessary details into it.
Exploring the Different Types of Blog Posts
Most people forget to pay attention to understanding that there are multiple types of blog posts. Before you create a blog website, you must understand it. Let’s dive into that here.
Ready to Write Your First Blog Post?
Are you ready to start writing your first blog post? Remember that a strong understanding of your buyer personas is essential to writing a blog that attracts them. We hope that blog writing samples and the multitude of tips shared in this blog help you write a powerful blog. If you still have any doubts about how to write a blog or want to hire our SEO blog writer to create engaging content for your readers, feel free to get in touch with us.